The Union of Orthodox Jewish Associations Agudas Achim combined the efforts of the worshippers from the Polish Temple in Krenova street with smaller groups Agudas Israel, Machsike Hadas and Adas Jerein to build a new Orthodox synagogue in Brno. The modernist building was designed by the construction firm of brothers Otto Eisler and Arthur Eisler.
The reason for establishing a new synagogue was that the premises of Brno's traditional Orthodox house of prayer across the street were no longer suitable. Religious Jews from the former eastern provinces of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were never in short supply in Brno, and religious Jewish youth from countries that practiced anti-Jewish restrictions on universities (Poland, Hungary, Romania) came to Brno to study and enjoy the liberal spirit of Czechoslovak democracy. Moreover, the premises of the old prayer rooms were cramped and hygienically inadequate.
The new synagogue was inaugurated on 25 August 1936. The famed cantor Mann, accompanied by a mixed choir of men and boys, sang the Ma Tovu prayer, then in front of the open sanctuary he recited a prayer in Czech for the prosperity of the Czech state.
A photograph from a German magazine shows what the shrine looked like at the time: there were no inscriptions anywhere above it.