Sisters Hana and Eva were born in Pilsen where they also lived with their parents, Ruzena and Alfred Sachsel, before the war.
At the beginning of the war in September 1939, their father was held hostage and imprisoned first in the Bory prison, Pilsen, later he was transferred to Buchenwald and then to Auschwitz where he was murdered. He never met his family again.
The mother and both daughters were deported on 22 January 1942 by the Pilsen S-transport to the Terezin ghetto. The older Hana worked as a caregiver in a children's home, the younger Eva, among other things, acted in the children's opera Brundibar. Unlike most deported Pilsen citizens, they remained in Terezin until December 1943, when they were deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. In early June 1944, they were transported to work in the Christianstadt concentration camp. In the spring of 1945, they left with the death march for Bergen-Belsen where they were liberated by British soldiers. Hana’s and Eva's mother died shortly after liberation as a result of her suffering.
The interview was recorded on 21 May 1996 in Prague.