Watch this clip of testimony from Nathan Leipciger, who shares with the world and the Jewish community important reflections from his experience.
About the Interviewee
Nathan (Nate) Leipciger was born on February 28, 1928, in Chorzów, Poland to Jacob and Leah Lepiciger. He grew up in a mining town with one sister, Linka. When the family was deported to Auschwitz, they separated his mother and sister from them, never to see them again. Nathan and his father spent 21 months in various concentration camps. He credits his father for saving him numerous times from death. On May 2, 1945, Nathan was liberated and sent to a convent. In June 1948, after living in Bamberg, Germany, for three years, Leipciger and his father immigrated to Canada. Nathan was interviewed by the USC Shoah Foundation on February 13, 1996, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.