In August 1942, the Zentrallstelle für jüdische Auswanderung, i.e. the Central Office for Jewish Emigration, was renamed the Zentralamt für die Regelung der Judenfrage in Böhmen und Mähren (Central Office for the Resolution of the Jewish Question in Bohemia and Moravia).
The emigration department was closed. Even the Nazis no longer pretended that deportation was about emigration. The main destination of the transports became the ghetto in Terezín, from where the deportees went on to their deaths.
A few months later, all Jewish communities were abolished and the only permitted Jewish institution in the country became the Jewish Council of Elders, administering the Terezin ghetto.
The non-deported employees of the Jewish community in Prague, protected by marriages to "Aryans", continued their bureaucratic work in Prague. Hundreds and thousands of forms provided the Nazi regime with the appearance of legality for a process that in reality meant the theft of all the property of the deportees.
The so-called Treunhandstelle of the Jewish Council of Elders was in charge of storing and managing this property until it was handed over to the new owners. In addition to other buildings, it had offices in an adjacent building at 7 Široká Street.
The official directory defined the tasks of this department of the Jewish Council of Elders as "to capture the movable property of Jews who had transferred their residence from Prague to Terezín and to administer this property in accordance with the general or special regulations of the superior authority."
How would you explain the term "transfer residence from Prague to Terezín" in your own words? What was the reason for using such a phrase?