Where is my home?

Buildings of the burial brotherhood

The houses at Široká 7 and Široká 5 belonged to the Jewish burial brotherhood. During the occupation, they housed the offices of various departments of the Jewish Council of Elders.

For example, the following offices were located at Široká Street 5:

Ground floor Delivery service, couriers in Prague. Postal and counter service. Sale of postal stationery. Receipt of letters and parcels destined for the Protectorate. Information service on regulations and prohibitions concerning Jews, receipt of mail for Terezin, sale of Jewish stars. Issuance of admittance stamps for shipments to Terezin.

1st floor Registration department. Tracking changes in the registration of Jews, files of the former emigration department, documents on extraordinary events, basic card file and photo archive of the Jewish Central Museum .

Personal and property records, central card file of all Jews in the Protectorate, card file of all Jews in Prague, card file of Jews who transferred their residence to Terezín and Jews who moved away. A card file of Jews assigned to work in Prague and the countryside.

Administrative clearance of transports.

Jewish labour headquarters. Placement in forced labour, formation of work groups, liaison with the "non-Aryan" department of the Labour Office.

2nd floor Registration of Jews. Preparatory work for the examination of documents of persons of Jewish affiliation. Issuing travel permits and passes for workers.

Housing office, registration of Jewish flats in Prague, accommodation of persons, permits to move, issue of certificates for the magistrate. Search service, conducting property, house and police searches.

3rd floor Statistical office, processing the movement of the Jewish population in the Protectorate.

**4th floor ** Hairdressing salon, only for associates of the Jewish Council of Elders.

A collage of the names of the departments of the Jewish Council of Elders from an official report to the Nazi authorities.

Archives of the Jewish Museum in Prague.

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