Regine Chum was a young Jewish Viennese woman. She was actively involved in the Communist resistance. You are standing in front of the house where she lived before she was deported to Auschwitz. Listen to her testimony clip in which she describes her acts of resistance, then read her biography.
Regine Chum (née Waringer) - Biography Regine Waringer, who was born in Vienna in 1923 lived here at Hammer-Purgstall-Gasse 1. She lived together with two brothers and her parents - her Christian mother Antonia, and her Jewish father Samuel. Her father was active in the left-wing political camp. Regine was not brought up religiously.
After the "Anschluss" her family was evicted from their apartment and had to move into a so-called "collective apartment". As a so-called "Mischling" she had to leave school and work in a bottle cleaning company. At the same time, the then 19-year-old became involved in a communist resistance group.
Regine survived the concentration camps Auschwitz and Ravensbrück. In April 1945 she was able to escape from a death march and return to Vienna. She had two children and was active as a contemporary witness and as a member of the Auschwitz and Ravensbrück camp communities until her death in 2007.
Her interview was recorded in Vienna, Austria in 1997.