Eugenia Adler was born on 22 June 1922 in Warsaw in a traditional Jewish family. When the Warsaw ghetto was established, Eugenia’s family had to move there. In the summer of 1941 Eugenia married her fiance, Jerzy. When the ghetto was isolated from the rest of the city, and the family could not earn their living anymore, they started to work in the Schulz fur factory. During the Great Aktion (mass deportations to Treblinka death camp) Eugenia’s 10 years old brother Natek was sent to death. During the final Warsaw ghetto liquidation, Eugenia, her husband and his parents were deported to Majdanek. After two months Eugenia was sent to Auschwitz and in 1944 to Sankt Georgenthal camp in Germany. None of the family members except Eugenia survived. In 1968 the anisemitic campaign left a mark on Eugenia and her second husband (whom she had met in the publishing house where she worked); they decided to leave Poland. They settled in Gottingen, Germany. The testimony for the USC Shoah Foundation was recorded on 16th of August 1996.