Exploring Jewish Kraków

For Further Reading

The first wave of deportations to the Bełżec extermination center took place in June 1942. People over the age of 55, the unemployed and office clerks made up most of those deported on the first three days. Unsatisfied with the number deported, the Germans carried out another deportation, this time selecting people much more indiscriminately. Everyone who was deported in June – approximately five thousand people – were murdered in the gas chambers of Bełżec.

The Kraków ghetto was liquidated on March 13 and 14, 1943. On March 13, those considered able-bodied and fit for work were marched to Plaszow, a labor camp located on the outskirts of Kraków. On the next day those considered too old, too young or too ill to work were sent to Auschwitz. Ed, Bernard and Celina were included in the first group of forced laborers.

Photo Credit: Instytut Pamieci Narodowej

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